Engineered Tax Services Sponsored Heal America 2018 Pastors Breakfast and Spoke About Tax Reform

Engineered Tax Services (ETS) sponsored another 2018 Heal America Pastors Breakfast at the Miracle Deliverance Healing Revival Center in Melbourne. The goal of the event for ETS was to talk about the impacts of tax reform on churches, businesses, and on the American people. CEO and tax reform expert, Julio Gonzalez, worked on the tax reform blueprint in Washington D.C. weekly with Congress and Senate, and he was passionate about getting it done before the end of last year. Because he was in Washington D.C. this past week, Mr. Gonzalez had Tax Specialist, Nate Rodriguez, speak on his behalf at the event.

“As always, it was a great pleasure to educate and inform the pastors on the new tax law,” said Mr. Rodriguez.

Mr. Rodriguez has worked with Mr. Gonzalez for several years and has led roundtables on tax reform in the past. He covered the impacts of tax reform as well as how the new tax reform would affect non-profits, churches, and church leaders.

Ultimately, the Heal America 2018 event was a success – with leaders and pastors from around the United States that came together to discuss ideas to “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) and to support the Presidential Administration.

About Heal America 2018

Heal America 2018 is a movement that is scripture-based, pastor-driven, and spirit-led to mobilize the body of Christ to protect faith, family, and freedom. It began when leaders of Heal America 2018 realized that all the battles in Washington D.C. in support of Faith, Family, & Freedom were being lost – not because of an alarming outpour from an oppressive majority but because the majority in support of family values were absent to represent their voice. Proverbs 29:2 states that the people will rejoice when the godly govern but we must be present to elect them into office.

This is how #StandWithGod Sunday was born back in October of 2015. Churches across the nation united to separate a given Sunday to fast, pray, and invite citizens in their congregations to register in their church lobby to then vote to protect Biblical values at the polls. Mr. Gonzalez and Mr. Rodriguez support this cause and are happy to sponsor and speak at Heal America 2018’s events throughout the tour.

For more information regarding the new tax law please call (800) 236-6519.


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