The Architect's Guide to R&D Tax Credits

Federal research and development (R&D) tax credits have been available to businesses for more than three decades. Even so, many architects simply don’t realize that tax credits are available to them or don’t understand which activities qualify.
While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made many changes to our tax code, it retained the permanency of R&D credits, underscoring the importance of U.S. investments towards innovation. Architects as well as engineers and contractors qualify for these valuable tax credits, which can add up to tens of thousands of dollars in tax savings.
This e-book is designed to help you recognize which of your activities qualify for R&D tax credits, what the qualification process entails and how a qualified R&D tax partner can help ensure you are receiving all available credits to reinvest in your business.
Topics include:
- The Evolution of R&D Tax Credits
- Understanding the Four-Part Test
- The Opportunity for Architects and Engineers
- Working With an R&D Tax Credit Partner
Also included are examples of the savings Engineered Tax Services was able to capture for architects and engineers by conducting an R&D tax credit study, which provides a comprehensive analysis of your firm’s R&D activities.