Why the accounting community needs to participate in social media!

As an accountant, social media marketing isn’t inherently one of your many skills. A poll we ran earlier this year shows that perfectly. We asked other accountants what marketing aspect they believe their firm struggles with the most. Social media was top of the list, with 37% of accounting firms stating it is their #1 marketing challenge.

social media

What Is Social Media?

So, let’s get into it. The Oxford Dictionary defines social media as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. 

But what does that mean for the accounting industry specifically? Social media is a place where people seek out and share information. Your firm can do its part by providing information. After all, if clients are not getting accounting information from your firm, they will get it from another.

Accountants are cautious by nature. This is shown throughout social media marketing efforts (or lack thereof). Understandably, you don’t want to provide accounting advice publicly, but social media can be an outlet for much more.

Pulse Report

Find Out What's Going On In The CPA and Accounting Community In the First Half of 2022

For the first six months of 2022, we’ve been taking the pulse of our CPA community by getting your pulse on the state of the industry and challenges that you face every day as a business owner.

As a client-facing industry, participating on social media is in your best interest. People long for connections, and social media is a great place to build them. Your relationship with clients, potential clients, employees, and future employees is strengthened through online connections. 

Trust me when I say that prospective clients and employees will look your firm up on social media, and if there is no presence, or an inadequate one, that sets off a red flag. There is no reason for your firm to not participate in social media.  

Engagement and Human Psychology

Most people that engage with your business are already on social media, and you should meet them there. The more you get your name in front of their eyes, the better off your firm is. It all goes back to human psychology, the more times we see something, the more we familiarize ourselves with it, and the greater chances we have of liking it. You want clients to like your firm.

You know the saying, it takes more effort and money to win new clients than maintain your current ones. When done well, social media marketing is one way that you can maintain more clients. 

Let’s not make social media something that your firm lags behind in the accounting industry.


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