Grants Composition and Submission Support

Navigating the world of grants composition and submission can be a complex journey, but with the right support, it can also be highly rewarding. This process is inherently collaborative and thorough, demanding regular communication, detailed information gathering and rigorous review.

Typically, composing and submitting a grant application takes between four to eight weeks. Understanding the full timeline and its intricacies is crucial for setting realistic expectations and achieving success.

grants composition and submission

Grants Timeline

It's important to recognize that grants are neither free nor fast money. The process of securing a grant is highly contingent on the specific funder and their application cycles. While there are exceptions where things move quickly, these are rare. The reality often lies in the middle. Faster projects might take three to six months, while longer ones can extend to nine months or longer. Let's break down this timeline in more detail.

Initial Call and Information Gathering (1–3 Weeks)

The first step in the grants process is establishing a main point of contact for your project. This person will facilitate regular communication and gather the necessary information. Setting clear expectations and planning from the outset is essential. During this phase, you will define your project goals, identify potential funders and outline the steps ahead.

Strategic Research Process (30–45 Days)

Next, we conduct in-depth research to identify the most suitable funders for your project. This involves analyzing their priorities, previous funding patterns and application requirements. We then present our findings and strategic recommendations to ensure your project aligns with the funder's goals. This stage is crucial for building a strong foundation for your application.

Application Composition Process (30–120 Days)

Crafting a compelling grant application is an intensive process. It involves developing a comprehensive project narrative that clearly outlines your goals, methods and anticipated outcomes. Additionally, you will need to create a detailed budget and budget narrative, justifying the financial needs and explaining how the funds will be used.

Some funders may require a pre-application or letter of intent before the full application, necessitating two decision points. Throughout this process, iterative reviews and formal changes are essential to ensure the application is polished and persuasive.

Funder Decision (Up to 180 Days)

Once the application is submitted, the waiting period begins. Managing expectations and staying informed about the funder's timeline can help mitigate anxiety during this period.

Funder Payout (1 Month–5 Years)

After a successful application, the payout phase begins. Although some foundations can provide payout in as little as 30 days, this is not necessarily the norm. The length of time between the funder decision and payout will vary based on the particular type of grant funding. Additionally, funders may choose to disburse funds in a lump sum or distribute them over time. Planning for long-term funding and project sustainability is crucial at this stage. Maintaining open communication with the funder is essential to ensure compliance and fulfill reporting requirements.

The Public Benefit of Grants

Grants play a vital role in funding projects that provide significant public benefits. From community development initiatives to scientific research and educational programs, grants enable projects that might otherwise lack the necessary resources. By securing a grant, you can make a meaningful impact through your work, benefiting your community and society at large.


The grants composition and submission process is intricate but highly rewarding. Remember, planning and perseverance are key.

If you're ready to embark on the grants journey, the best place to start is with a complementary project analysis. We also welcome you to contact ETS Grant Services so that we can answer any questions you may have. We look forward to discussing your project, exploring its benefits and finding ways to help you secure the necessary funding.

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